

Season 1 Episode 2in access tv series Other reality


Первоначальная цена составляла $3.00.Текущая цена: $1.00.

In this place you will be able to discuss the film with other viewers, as well as share your opinion or ask questions to the authors of the works. After all, each film on Karbush TV is the result of the work of specific people who are sometimes interested in reviews of their creative work.


The girl Selena, endowed with the gift of Escapism, decided to visit Alice and Dima because she writes about other Reality, where they are key characters. Their home became a source of inspiration for her work. It’s time for a new mission from Pavel, and she must test her new abilities.

A subscription will allow you to enjoy new films and short films long before they are released in cinemas.

If you always want to be up to date with what’s new and get access to new works before anyone else, then this subscription is a great option.

One of the features of this subscription is access to new films and short films before they are released in theaters.

Delivery: by email, instant

Publisher: LLC «KARBUSH Film Company»

Territory of use: unlimited

Возрастное ограничение: 18+

Purpose:online cinema stream

Service name:Karbush TV

Application:purchase of videos, movies, TV series, web

Age limit:18+

Number of connected accounts:1

Activation Territory:World

Territory of use:World

Activation after purchase:Right away

Platform:PC and mobile device

Genre:online cinema stream

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