Privacy Policy | Karbush TV

Privacy Policy of the KarbushTV Service


General provisions

This privacy policy of KarbushTV (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to information transmitted by users (hereinafter referred to as Users) of KarbushTV (hereinafter referred to as the Service) during the registration of Users on the Service to the Limited Liability Company «Film Company «KARBUSH» (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator) (TIN 5528206841 , OGRN 1115543002013), which is located at the address: 644521, Russia, Omsk region, Omsk district, Verkhniy Karbush village, Sadovaya street 4-1 (is the administrator and owner of the Service), as well as its affiliates included in the same group with the Administrator.

The Administrator pays great attention to the protection and confidentiality of User information. Users can view most pages of the Service without providing any information about themselves. However, to provide some services on the Service, the User may be required to provide certain information to a limited extent as specified in this Policy. Any information about the User that the Administrator receives is used solely for the purpose of providing the services offered by the Service and improving their quality, as well as to make the services and content of the Service simpler and more convenient to use.

The following describes the principles and methods of processing information of all Users of the Service who have agreed to the terms of this Policy.

The fact of registration of the User on the Service means the User expresses his unconditional consent to this Policy and the conditions for processing his information specified therein. In case of disagreement with these conditions, the User is obliged to refrain from registering on the Service.

Please read our Policy before using the Service or submitting your information to the Service.

Description of User information received and processed by the Service Administrator

When registering the User on the Service, as well as when paying for and using products and services of the Service, when conducting surveys on the Service, when the User contacts the Administrator, the Administrator carries out (may carry out) processing of the following personal data of the User: • last name, first name; • E-mail address; • Date of Birth; • floor; • information about login and password for access to certain functions of the Internet resource; • information about the quantity, cost, time and procedure of orders placed by the User for products or services of the Internet resource; • information about participation in advertising campaigns of the Internet resource; • information about subscription to information materials or materials from support services of an Internet resource; • contact phone numbers; Mandatory information is marked by the Administrator using special markings; other information is provided at the discretion of the Users; In the process of using the Service, using the software installed on the User’s device, the following information is automatically transmitted to the Administrator: • IP address; • information from cookies; • information about the country and (or) city where the device is located; • information about the subject’s Internet browser (or other program used to access the Internet resource); • time of access to the pages of the Internet resource; • address of the requested page of the Internet resource; • information about the User’s device used to access the Internet resource (model, operating system, screen resolution, browser used, communication provider); • advertising identifier of the subject in Apple services; • advertising identifier of the subject in Google services; • advertising identifier of the subject in AppsFlyer services; • user ID on the social network; • link to the user provided during authentication through a social network.

This Policy applies only to the Service. The Administrator does not control and is not responsible for third party sites and software that the User can access via links available on the Service. On other websites of third parties, other information may be collected or requested from the User, and other actions may be performed for which the Administrator is not responsible. The Administrator does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by Users and does not exercise control over their legal capacity. However, the Administrator assumes that the User provides reliable and sufficient information and keeps this information up to date. The consequences of providing false information are defined in the User Agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Purposes of collecting and processing information

The Administrator uses the information solely for the purpose of providing the services offered by the Service and improving their quality, as well as to make the services and content of the Service simpler and more convenient to use, including for:

  • identification of the User within the framework of the agreement on the provision of paid services by the Service;
  • providing the User with personalized and recommendation services of the Service;
  • personalization of display of advertising materials to the Service User;
  • to process User requests by the Service Administrator or the Service support service;
  • for analysis and research to improve the Service, as well as the products and services of the Service;
  • to send news and advertising information about products, services, special offers of the Service;
  • to send service messages (for example, to recover the password for accessing the User account);
  • to prevent and detect fraud and illegal use of the Service, Service services;

Terms of information processing

The Administrator uses User information only for the purposes and in accordance with this Policy.

The User’s information is kept confidential.

The administrator will not disclose to third parties, distribute, sell, alienate or otherwise dispose of the received information, except for the purposes and methods provided for in this Policy.

When processing User information, the Administrator is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Changing or deleting information from the Service

The User can change (update, supplement) the information provided by him or part of it at any time by using the information editing function on the Service in the User’s personal section.

Protection of User Information

The Administrator ensures that necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures are taken to protect Users’ information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties.


A cookie is a small text file sent to the hard drive of the User’s computer from the Administrator’s server. Cookies contain information that can later be used by the Administrator.

No information collected by the Administrator through Cookies can be used to determine (identify) Users.

The Administrator may use Cookies to control the use of the Service, collect non-personal information about Users, save preferences and other information on the User’s computer in order to save Users’ time required for repeatedly entering the same information in Service forms, as well as for the purposes of displaying content during subsequent visits by the User to the Service.

Information obtained through Cookies can also be used by the Administrator for statistical research aimed at adjusting the content of the Service in accordance with the preferences of Users.

The user can change the settings for accepting Cookies in their browser settings or disable them completely, but in this case some functions of the Service may not work correctly.

Opting out of mailings

By accepting the terms of this Policy, the User agrees that when the User indicates in the account settings in a special section of the User on the Service his phone number or email address, the Administrator will have the right to send the User information via short SMS messages or emails about services, new products and terms of use of the Service, as well as other information, including advertising.

The User has the right to refuse to receive such information by independently disabling the function of receiving Newsletters in the parameters of the email with the newsletter by clicking on the special link specified in the letter or sending an email to the Administrator at the Administrator’s email address

Children’s information

The Administrator takes the protection of information about children seriously and strives to protect the confidentiality of this information.

We encourage children under 18 years of age not to register on or use the Service without the permission and involvement of their parents or guardians, and not to provide any information about themselves.

The terms of use of the Service oblige parents to ensure constant monitoring of the use of the Service by children under 18 years of age.

Amendments to the Policy. User’s consent to the Policy.

The User acknowledges and agrees that the User’s registration on the Service, creation of an account and subsequent use of the Service, any of its services, functionality means the User’s unconditional consent to all clauses of this Policy and unconditional acceptance of its terms.

The User’s continued use of the Service after any changes to the Policy means his consent to such changes and/or additions.

The User undertakes to regularly familiarize himself with the contents of this Policy in order to timely familiarize himself with its changes.

The Administrator reserves the right, at its own discretion, to change and (or) supplement the Policy at any time without prior and (or) subsequent notification to the User. The new version of the Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Service, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Policy. The current version of the Policy is always available in the Service interface at:

If you (the User) do not agree with the provisions of the Policy, stop using the Service and delete your account.

Final provisions. Contact Information

This Policy and the relationship between Users and the Administrator arising in connection with the application of the Policy are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

All Users of the Service, without exception, have access to this Policy.

We will be glad to receive your feedback, questions, suggestions and comments regarding our Privacy Policy, which should be sent to the following email address of the Administrator:

Date of last change of the Privacy Policy 04/19/2024



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