

Season 1 Episode 2access to the entire episode tv series Other reality


Первоначальная цена составляла $3.00.Текущая цена: $1.00.

Here you can actively participate in the discussion of films together with other viewers. Perhaps you will also want to share your impressions and ask questions to the authors of the works. Each tape on Karbush TV is a product of the work of certain people who are interested in hearing feedback about their work.


Selena, a girl with an exceptional gift of Escapism, decided to visit Alice and Dima’s house, as she is creating a book about other Reality, where they are the main characters. Their house inspired her. It’s time for a new task ordered by Pavel, and Selena needs to test her new abilities.

If you want to be among the first to know about new works in the world of cinema, then this subscription will help you with this.

With this subscription, you can enjoy new films and shorts long before they are released.

If you like to be ahead of the curve and learn about new work before anyone else, then a subscription is a great choice for you.

Delivery: by email, instant

Publisher: LLC «KARBUSH Film Company»

Territory of use: unlimited

Возрастное ограничение: 18+

Purpose:online cinema stream

Service name:Karbush TV

Application:purchase of videos, movies, TV series, web

Age limit:18+

Number of connected accounts:1

Activation Territory:World

Territory of use:World

Activation after purchase:Right away

Platform:PC and mobile device

Genre:online cinema stream

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