Digital Distribution and Marketing | Karbush TV

Karbush Film LLC distributes and markets feature films on on our own sites around the world.

Fully operational on more than 256 territories-countries, it serves all kinds of rights-holders (producers, distributors, sales agents) out of in the near future we want to have representative offices in all regions of the world..

A fervent believer in accuracy and transparency, it develops software solutions for its clients to track the performance of their films, and ensure clear and reliable financial reporting.

Karbush Film LLC contributes to the advancement of the industry on topics related to cross-border digital distribution, and innovating marketing strategies for global distribution.

It’s no secret that we offer three types of monetization and they are all unique, look at the comparison table below!

Attention! Unfortunately, our distribution department does not provide advance payments for your films or payments for various MGs

What do we offerPlan #1 — Suitable for one directorPlan #2 — Suitable for cool and mobile filmmakersPlan #3 — Suitable for fast and no-limit distributors with large film catalogs
SEO — Karbush TV will create several promotional pages in 80 languages and 256 countries to help you make money faster. But you can also do this yourself, through your personal account, if you don’t trust us!NoYesYes
CDN — This is the delivery of your films to the viewer; our CDN system works flawlessly in 156 countries of the world!YesYesYes
Content storage — Storing your movies entirely on our server.YesYesYes
Marketing your films — Karbush TV will promote your film throughout the Internet for freeYes — but there are restrictions, at your request we will add your posts and news about your films.Yes — You will have access to a button for posting Entries, keep a Blog about your films.Yes — We will accept promotional materials without restrictions and add them to the site and to our 256 trusted global platforms
50% of your royalties — You must enter into a written contract and select this rate in order to receive compensation.YesNoYes
70% of your royalties — You must enter into a written contract and select this rate in order to receive compensation.NoYesYes
100% of your royalties — You must enter into a written contract and select this rate in order to receive compensation.NoNoYes
Self-hosted films — You have permission to post your films on our platformNo — unfortunately, write to us so that we can post your video ourselvesYesYes
We ourselves post your films on the platform, send your metadata and photo posters and we will post them as soon as possible.Yes — you have a button in your menu and instructions on how to add a movieYes — There are special instructions on how to create metadata for films, and then write to us and we will add it, or manually add each film yourself.Yes — Fill out your metadata according to our instructions, and easily add your movie catalogs, even 5,000 titles or more at once.
Tariff cost$5 per year$35 per year$55 per year

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